

Reports will help you boost your sales, it provides the analysis in detail about the monthly repeat purchase rate, redemption rate, revenue per customer, average order value, etc., it gives an extensive report about your customers’ activity. There are many report variations and filters you can use and get the summary reports, detail reports, offer details, etc. You will be able to understand customer’s behavior and accordingly create and improve your business strategies, offers, and schemes to grow your business efficiently and quickly.

Click the following and you will be redirected to the article that in-depth guides you about the same.

All reports have two options to see the data- chart and data table. Also, all reports have a default filter applied as below but you can always change to your required filter.

Default Report Filter:

  • From Date: First date of the current month
  • To Date: Today
  • User: All Users
  • Location: All Location (only applicable if you have multiple locations)
  • Report Type: Graphs
  • Stamp/Redeem: Both

You can also check the report from Analytical Dashboard. Login to Analytical Dashboard. Use your organisation code and your admin password to login. To get organisation code, tap on Setting in Reward Stamp App >> tap on Organisation Information >> tap on Organisation Code.

Link to Analytical Dashboard – https://server02.rewardstampapp.com/analytical-dashboard/