Loyalty App
Loyalty App is a part of loyalty programs that allow the customers of a particular business to earn rewards every time they make a purchase. The company or business offering a loyalty program to its customer needs to download the loyalty app first. Post registration, they share the link of the app with their customers. The customers then need to download the loyalty app in their phones. This makes it easy for the company or business to issue loyalty cards to their customers that they can use to earn stamps every time they make a purchase. On every purchase, they receive rewards that they can later redeem for discounts, gifts, etc. Loyalty app is a convenient way to offer reward point to the customers, as they need not bring in any physical card with them. By having the reward card stored right in their phones, they have the liberty to walk in the store at any time, make a purchase, and get the loyalty stamp on their card immediately.
A lot of cafes and salon have got themselves registered to various loyalty programs. They make use of some of the best customer loyalty apps to reward their customers or clients. If a person enrolls to a salon’s loyalty program, he is eligible to get reward points every time he avails a service. The accumulated points then can be used to opt for a free service or get a discount on the next service. Loyalty rewards program apps help in building brand loyalty.
3 Steps to your growth journey

1. Set up Reward Stamp
- Register your business with us
- Issue a digital reward card to your loyal customer

2. Know your customers
- Track customer visits
- Communicate with your customers

3. Get increased revenue
- Retain more customer
- Achieve healthy business growth