Digital Loyalty Stamp Card
Putting up a loyalty programme for your customers is a great way to pamper them and make them feel special. Customers who make repeated purchases can collect points and redeem them for rewards later. To keep a track of the re-visiting customers, it is important to issue them loyalty stamp cards. What can be a better option than a digital loyalty card that can always stay with them? Digital Loyalty Stamp Cards are a replacement to the traditional paper-based cards. A digital loyalty stamp card can be easily downloaded by the customers on their smartphones. This not only simplifies the taxing process of issuing physical cards, but also gives your customers that advantage of having the card with them at any time.
Issuing usual paper or plastic cards to your customers is an outdated idea. By offering them paper or plastic cards, you give them the responsibility to have these cards physically present with them every time they visit you. Also, the chances of physical cards being damaged are high. There are chances that your customer may lose his or her card and may not be able to avail the rewards that he or she is eligible for. This may act as a demotivating factor for your customer. Hence, in today’s digital age, it is important to get yourself updated to the latest offerings, to provide the best to your customers.
To issue a digital loyalty stamp card, you first need to download the Reward Stamp App. Post the download, you need to get your business registered with Reward Stamp. The next step is to ask your customers to download the app from reward cards. After downloading the application, your customers can begin using it immediately. You can simply scan the customers’ profile from Reward Cards App to issue them a Reward Card. The moment you send a Reward Card from your app, it will be available to your customers on their phone. Post this, they will be able to see the issued card along with the rewarded stamps right on their mobile device. To issue them a reward every time, you just need to scan their card.
3 Steps to your growth journey

1. Set up Reward Stamp
- Register your business with us
- Issue a digital reward card to your loyal customer

2. Know your customers
- Track customer visits
- Communicate with your customers

3. Get increased revenue
- Retain more customer
- Achieve healthy business growth